About Us
Company History
is a valued and comprehensive chiropractic and decompression facility joyfully serving individuals and families of Northern NY. Through extensive community exposure with well trained and inspired staff, we care for as many individuals and families as possible, to feel better and to live healthier lives by restoring and sustaining spinal and nerve function through proven systematic procedures and patient education life style protocols.
Northern Lights Chiropractic was founded in 1980. We have expanded and grown since that time, serving individuals and families through natural chiropractic care while continually studying and learning the latest information on health and healing and bringing it to our practice members.
We presently have 3 full time chiropractors to provide this comprehensive service. We have in house digital x-ray and read MRI's for those difficult cases. All diagnostic studies are explained and shown to patients during their second visit report with Dr. Becky Keshmiri. This report is complementary and takes a half hour to an hour to review the results from the initial evaluation.
Our team cares for many children, adults and seniors. We provide workshops and talks on various health topics, providing fundamental information and studies on being and staying well. Friends and family are invited and there is usually no charge.
Spinal Disc Regeneration Center was founded in 2007. We have great results with a clinical success rate and patient satisfaction of over 80%, there was that 10-15% of people whose spinal conditions were so bad (degenerative joint disease, herniations, bulging discs etc.) that chiropractic care and exercise rehabilitation was not enough. At that time, we invested in one of the greatest inventions in spinal technology that one out of eight doctors in the entire states have available--Vax-D Spinal Decompression. This is used for the worst neck and low back cases and has remarkable and proven clinical results of 88% in our office. Blue Cross did a study that found it to be over 88% successful. If you are suffering from chronic or acute neck or back pain and have not had results elsewhere please give us a call for a complimentary consultation today. Spinal decompression has saved many people from spinal surgery and added years of joy to back to their lives.